Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
November 8, 2018 | Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstracting the city - “Do design code have an impact to innovation or design creativity?”
Architecture and the city have a reciprocal relation. Designing architecture means designing city, and vice versa. To arrange the city means to arrange the architecture. City is a manifestation of policies constituted by the government that the impact could be perceived from its architecture. To construct city with architecture is an attempt in the future to innovate and be creative in facing the problems.
Architects and urban designers always face two contradictory problems. Public demand them to innovate creative products that could accommodate every environmental problems and users needs in the present and the future. On the other side, they are to obey regulations that often limit their design and exploratory process.
As designers that face those two conditions, what would their attempt to accommodate both, and use them as an asset in designing to achieve city that could be abstracted clearly?
Keynote Speakers
Sung Hong Kim
(The University of Seoul,
Curator of Korean Pavillion at Venice Biennale 2016)
Oscar Carracedo Garcia-Villalba
(National University of SIngapore)
Heru W. Poerba
(Institut Teknologi Bandung)
We are calling for 6 papers to presented at the Symposium and published on Journal of architecture&ENVIRONMENT (Accredited National Journal : Rank 3)
Important Dates:
October 20, 2018 // Extended Abstract Submission
October 28, 2018 // Notification of extended abstract acceptance
November 8, 2018 // Symposium day
Registration Fees:
Public Rp.750.000,-
Speaker Rp. 1.500.000,-
Students Rp.250.000,-
Jalan Jend Basuki Rakhmat No.106-128, Embong Kaliasin, Genteng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60271