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Green Concept in Architecture and Environment

Surabaya - September 26, 2013

Global warming and climate change is real phenomenon whose impact can be felt in all parts of the world. Disasters such as earthquaked, floods, landslides, extreme climate change, sea level rise, reduced groundwater, land sibsidence, and other natural disasters are real indication of the impact of global warming and climate change. The impacts not only on the dimensions of the natural environment, but also on the social, economic, culturalm and institutional. To answer these challenges, green concept is one alternative that attempts to minimize the impact of global warming and climate change, which can be developed through the implementation in architecture and environmental design.

Innovative and Smart Settlement, Enabling Local Economy

Surabaya - December 12, 2012

15 years after Habitat II-1996, the world now have more concern in low income housing problems. However, in most cases, housing problem solving approach has not been based on Habitat Agenda, especially those concerning low income people. Global warming and climate change are become more apparent in the last ten years, adding challenges to overcome. It is need new innoation and smart thinking in order to handle this matter. The development of innovation and smart settlement model is one of the alternative in the efforts.

Human Dimension in the Development Of ECO-HOUSING and Human Settlement

Surabaya - October 18, 2011

15 years after Habitat II-1996, the world now have more concern in low income housing problems. However, in most cases, housing problem solving approach has not been based on Habitat Agenda, especially those concerning low income people. Global warming and climate change are become more apparent in the last ten years, adding challenges to overcome. It is need new innoation and smart thinking in order to handle this matter. The development of innovation and smart settlement model is one of the alternative in the efforts.

Challenging Island Based Human Settlement Development

Surabaya - October 12, 2010

In celebrating the 45 years Department of Architecture ITS anniversary, the department organizes international conference "Challengin Island Based Human Settlement Development". The aim of the conference is to bring together architects, planners, other professionals, academia, government, NGO, developer, and others who have interest in the development of human settlement in the island.

Green Design & Solution

Surabaya - October 8, 2009

The conference aims to explore and to highlight the green concept in solving the problem of environment, social, cultiral, and instutional due to global warming and change through the implementation in architecture and environmental design.


Department of Architecture

Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 


Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, 60111


Phone/fax : +62 31 5924301

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