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Conference Procedures

Full Paper Submission Guideline

  1. The full paper should be submitted/uploaded to the Morressier.

  2. The next process of reviewing and submitting a revised full paper will be on Morressier platform

  3. Only the papers written in English will be accepted. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published before and should not be under consideration for publication anywhere else.

  4. Full paper must be written according to Paper Template and Guideline

  5. The articles that are submitted for publication in English need to go through proofreading and editing before being sent for a blind review and after a positive peer review.

  6. Full-paper/s must be revised according to the reviewer's comments. 

  7. Please note that the revised version of your full paper will be the final version of the paper (including author name/s, etc.) to be submitted to the publisher unless there are changes made by editor/s to improve the quality of the paper.

  8. The author Guideline and full Paper Template can be downloaded from the web page.

  9. Articles are the work of the author and are not plagiarism of other people's articles either in part or in whole. Plagiarism checks using the software are necessary. Manuscripts with a score of >10% on the similarity index will be rejected (with evidence attached).

  10. The article has never been published and is not being submitted for publication in journals or other media.

  11. If the submitted article is declared not to pass the publication of the International Proceedings of Scopus Indexed, the author has agreed to the article to be published in the Journal of Architecture and Environment (JoAE) or Journal: City and Built Environment.


Department of Architecture

Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 


Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, 60111


Phone/fax : +62 31 5924301

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