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Decoding Ideas and Thinking in Architecture

Design Thinking has a paradoxical characteristic: designers agree it is the core and the most important part of a creative process, yet to explain how it works is the most difficult one. As a process, it follows a logical sequence of actions or events, requires a logical objectivity, as it also allows for subjective interpretation. To create the best decision and solution, designers should have a consciousness in their process. They cannot rely only on their intuition, but they must be able to try revealing and decoding their intangible steps.

Decoding means transforming, analyzing and interpreting a message of language, either visual or semiotic ones. So, to decode means to convert a coded message into intelligible language as well as to analyze and interpret a communication or image. The concept of decoding therefore focused on analyzing the design process and its methodologies with the objective to reach a better understanding of its structure and content as well as to improve efficiency in design practice.

In this conference, academics, researchers, and students are invited to exchange their knowledge. This will be a medium where current theories, design methods and researches on this field are discussed. It can be based on their own experiences in academic activities related to Architecture Design or on other people’s experiences which they analyzed and interpreted. Professionals are also invited to share and discuss their design process and knowledge specifically on how they are dealing with interrelation between their objectivity and subjectivity thoughts.


Architectural theory

Keywords: pragmatism, semiotic language, hybrid language, Theoretical approaches & discourses, etc


Architecture research

Keywords: vernacular architecture, traditional architecture, architecture & urbanism, local architecture, eco-architecture, housing and human settlement design, etc


Architecture method

Keywords: transformation, contemporary idioms, digital design, narrative, diagrammatic approach, contextual approach, community based design, programmatic approach, evidence-based, etc


Architecture design

Keywords: contemporary vernacular design, creative design thinking, decode, manifesto, interpretation, reconstruction, etc


Architecture education

Keywords: exploration, utopian design model studio, concept-test model studio, digital design model studio, survey analysis design model studio, etc


Architecture practice

Keywords: pragmatism, trial & error, phenomenology, case-based, etc

Abstract & Paper

  • Abstract and paper must be written in English, and will be selected by blind peer reviewers.

  • Guide for authors is available in this website.

  • All accepted papers will be scheduled for presentation in the conference and included in the conference proceedings series IPTEK. Selected papers will be considered for publication in Journal of IPTEK and Journal of Architecture & ENVIRONMENT Department  of Architecture ITS

Abstract Guidelines

Department of Architecture

Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 


Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, 60111


Phone/fax : +62 31 5924301

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