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Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
November 3, 2020  |  Surabaya, Indonesia

Architecture in 21st Century: The Agency of Change

To Indonesia and Beyond

The theme called for discussions of the potential of architecture as  an agency of change in the complex world today.

The basic question was: can architecture contribute to society in the 21st century in a new and better way.

In the closing decades of the older century, the architecture profession, to some extent marginalized itself, the 'avant garde' even relinquishing its social obligations. However the skills of the architect are in fact particularly suited to deal with the complex problem of today. Can these skills help solve the problem of the planet? Should architecture define and emphasize itself as an agency of change? Can the dialogue between architects and educational institution, the media and the industry be improved to the benefit of all? Is the present communication between the institutions and organizations supporting the profession sufficient to empower the architects and architecture with up-to-date tools, methods and principles? Can architecture meet the new challenges of a new century with a new resourcefulness? And if so, then how? Or if not, what do?


Indonesia faced a disruptive new challenges with issues of open-source knowledge, IoT, global warming and environmental problems, and more or so, technology. The open-ended questions would be the problems of identity, authenticity and integrity. Should Indonesia suggested a new role for architecture in the new century with a paradigm of local wisdom as a new tabula? Should Indonesia define its architecture and its contemporary transformation into a new role?

Keynote Speakers

Professor Jeremy Till

Head of Central Saint Martins

Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, University of the Arts London

University Lead on Climate Emergency


Deddy Wahjudi ST,M.Eng.,Ph.D.
Faculty of Art and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Principal Architect LABO Architecture & Design


Jacob Gatot Surarjo,IAI
Principal Architect dari Arcadia Disain

co-founder M-bloc Space


We are calling for 6 papers to presented at the Symposium and published on Journal of architecture&ENVIRONMENT (Accredited National Journal : Rank 3)

Important Dates:

July 13, 2020    // Extended Abstract Submission

August 18, 2020  // Extended Abstract acceptance*

September 15, 2020 // Full-paper submission*

October 4, 2020 // Final Selection of paper and author notification

October 12, 2020 // Camera ready paper submission




Department of Architecture

Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 


Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, 60111


Phone/fax : +62 31 5924301

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