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ARDC 2016

8th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design

Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
November 1-2, 2016  |  Surabaya, Indonesia
International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) is an annual international event organized by the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This event was first initiated in 2009 with different names and in 2014 has been changed to be AR+DC and invited academics, researchers, and professionals from a wide range of expertise and fields. For years, AR+DC's topics are focused on architecture and its related subjects, such as Architecture design, Architectural theory, history, and criticism, Environmental architecture, Housing and settlement, and Urban design.
Place is space where life takes place. As distinct to space, place has specific characters. Plain and mountainous landscapes, warm and humid climates, sparse and dense urban environments determine physical characteristics of a place. Social structures, social interaction, rituals, cultural activities are those of non-physical that give life to a place. Places bring spirit and create their own language or expression, and therefore differ from one place to another.

Architecture as a man-made environment has to respond to place because it makes architecture meaningful. Architecture is a shelter when it takes physical environments such climate and topography into consideration. It can be symbolic when it has to represent social and cultural qualities. It should resemble nature if it requires minimum environmental degradation. And it can be progressive if it has to respond to ever changing qualities of a place. Place serves as a context for architecture.

Places might change over time and do resources, needs and life style. Contemporary architecture should then respond to all these changes in order to maintain their meaningful state and identity. Contemporary architecture can refer to the past by exploring architectural traditions, or can make a reference to current conditions of a place to ensure contextual representation.

Academicians, researchers, and students are invited to exchange their knowledge in this conference. This will be a medium where current theories, methods and researches on this field are discussed. On AR+DC 2016 in particular, professionals are also invited to share and discuss their design and knowledge specifically on dealing with place based design for contemporary needs.
Architectural theory
Keywords: regionalism, critical regionalism, spirit of place, hybrid language

Architecture research
Keywords: vernacular architecture, traditional architecture, urban architecture, local
architecture, eco-architecture

Architecture method
Keywords: transformation, contemporary idioms, digital hybridization

Architecture design
Keywords: contemporary vernacular, tropical design, vernacular for sustainable design
Important dates
May 6, 2016 : Abstract submission
May 27, 2016 : Acceptance of abstract
July 18, 2016 : Full-paper submission
August 22, 2016 : Notification of paper acceptance
September 19, 2016 : Publish ready paper (and tentative conference schedule)
September 30, 2016 : Final Conference programme and schedule
November 1-2, 2016 : Conference day
November 3, 2016 : Excursion
Rector of ITS    : Prof Ir. Joni Hermana
Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning : Ir. Purwanita Setijanti, M. Sc, Ph.D 
Head of Department of Architecture    : Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama, Ph.D

Scientific Committee
Chair    : Dr. Ima Defiana, ST., MT. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) 
Member    : 
Prof. Ir. Endang T. S. B. Darjosanjoto, M. Arch, Ph. D. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Josef Prijotomo, M.Arch. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) 
Dr. Ing. Ir. Bambang Soemardiono (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) 
Ir. Muhammad Faqih, MSA, Ph.D. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)

Organizing Committee
General Chair    : Dr. Ir. Asri Dinapradipta, M.BEnv.
Co Chair    : Angger Sukma ST, MT
Secretary    : Fardilla R ST, MT
Secretariat    : Tanti Satriana N., ST, MT.
Treasurer    : Dr Eng Ir. Sri Nastiti, MT

Technical Teams
Seminar Programs: Dr. Arina Hayati ST, MT
Publication    : Johanes Krisdianto, ST, MT.
Logistic    : Ribut Suhartanto,
Transportation    : Rabbani Kharismawan, ST, MT.
Sponsorship    : Endy Yudho, ST, MT.
Documentation    : Johanes Krisdianto., ST, MT
Accommodation    : Collinthia Erwindi, ST, MT.

Department of Architecture

Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 


Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, 60111


Phone/fax : +62 31 5924301

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